Operational Resources > The PPD Manual for Trainers
Manual for Trainers on Public-Private Dialogue for Good Governance
The "Manual for Trainers on Public-Private Dialogue for Good Governance" was produced by the World Bank Institute / Governance Global Practice following a series of country engagements involving delivery of a 3-day, field based, and capacity-building workshops on private sector engagement for good governance and PPD, for local stakeholders.
The manual provides a set of training materials which can be used by PPD experts to build capacity among PPD stakeholders on secretariat effectiveness and PPD management, advocacy and communications, monitoring and evaluation and sector specific initiatives. The content also includes the findings of the IFC Investment Climate Department, which has been sponsoring PPDs on the ground for several years, and which has put forward over time knowledge products that have been key to advance the knowledge in the PPD field.
The material put forward is for PPD Trainers, to help build the capacity of PPD coordination units to perform the following:
1) identify the collaborative governance gaps,
2) secure political will for reform,
3) set up a multi-stakeholder dialogue process around the issues at stake, and
4) ensure supportive buy-in and monitoring from constituents at large.
It is a complement of the PPD handbook, and both documents can as a guide or source document providing theoretical and practical knowledge on how to develop, implement and sustain public-private dialogues. Please note that it is intended as an indicative guide, and not a rigid methodology. When offering PPD training, a PPD trainer needs to be sure to be guided by her or his experience, the needs of the participants, and own common sense. Our guide suggests a structure and content for a 3-day training course, including trainer instructions, exercises, tools and background readings to successfully lead this workshop.
The sessions are designed to be interactive and enjoyable. They provide a mix of presentations, discussions, case studies, role play and exercises. For many activities, participants may need to work in small groups. This also allows all participants to participate more fully. The effectiveness of the training depends on participants actively contributing to the program based on their own background and experience. Facilitators are encouraged to add case studies and examples from their own experience.
You can download The Public-Private Dialogue Manual for Trainers
(pdf, 6.32mb) as a whole or choose to get interested in each section separately by clicking below on the respective sections of interest.
1.1. Author's Note
1.2. Roadmap for PPD Manual for Trainers
1.3. PPD Manual for Trainers - Facilitator's Guide
Workshop logistics
1.4. Recource Checklist: Public-Private Dialouge Workshop
1.5. PPD Welcome Letter
1.6. Learner Action Plan Template
1.7. Workshop Evaluation Form
After the introduction, participants get acquanited with an overview of the workshop, including the time schedule of individual sessions and breaks and also have a broad sense of what the course sets out to achieve.
2.1. Introductory Session
2.2. Workshop Agenda
2.3. Facilitation of Break-Out Sessions
2.4. Charter of Good Practice in using PPD for Private Sector Development
The presentation on PPD Good Practice gives an overview of good practice in developing, managing and ensuring the sustainability of a PPD; apprehend the dynamics between stakeholders in a dialogue and understand the political risks, and understand how a PPD operates, the resources needed, the role of a secretaria etc.
2.5. Promoting Economic Development and Good Governance Through PPD
See the PPD Manual for Trainers - Facilitator's Guide for the narrative of each of the slides in the presentation above.
A contextualization exercise follows:
2.6. Contextualization Exercise: How is your PPD Doing?
A role-play follows about a fictional case study - a PPD is set up in fictional country "Literavia" - and members of the audience are asked to play the roles defined.
2.7. Role Play Instructions: Literavia Case Study
2.8. Setting up a Collaborative Policy Platform in 90 Minutes
2.9. All Role Play - Case Study Cards
Once the role-play is done, an exercise follows where participants are asked to create a PowerPoint presentation about their own PPD initiative, but by describing it from the vantage point of the 12 PPD principles.
2.10. Public Private Sector Dialogue: Redefining [your PPD]
Optional Module: PPD for Sector Competitivness
This module showcases lessons learned from other experiences of PPD for competitiveness as well as helps understand what type of cooperation can happen in a PPD for competitiveness.
2.11. Using PPD to Build Competitive Industries
See the PPD Manual for Trainers - Facilitator's Guide for the narrative of each of the slides in the presentation above.
Policy Advocacy - Outreach and Communications
This session will help participants realize the need to obtain support for a reform through a well-coordinated communication and outreach campaign; grasp the concept of communication and learn from other PPD communication campaign; initiate a communication plan and develop a 12-month communication plan on one specific reform.
3.1. Policy Advocacy Outreach and Communication in Public-Private Dialogue
See the PPD Manual for Trainers - Facilitator's Guide for the narrative of each of the slides in the presentation above.
3.2. Exercise - PSGG Training Policy Advocacy Outreach and Communication
Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
This session will help participants understand the M&E framework for PPD as well as initiate the implementation of a system to collect evidence and measure outcomes of the PPD.
3.4. Basics of M&E - PPD M&E Tools and 5 Interactive Exercises
3.5. Exercise - PPD Evaluation Wheel
3.6. PPD Impact on the Reform Process
3.7. Reform Formulation and Tracking
3.8.Sample Reform Submission Form
3.9. Sample Tracking System for Reforms
3.10. Notes on Using Back of the Envelope (BOTE) Methodology
3.11. BOTE Aggregate Cost Savings - Template
The last sessions will help participants measure the efforts to start a PPD in their country;develop a strategy to ensure the sustainability of the PPD; develop an initial work plan for the PPD in their country;develop an operating budget for a PPD.
Defining a strategy
4.1. Defining a Strategy
4.2. PPD Diagnostic Template
4.3. Exercise - PPD Action Plan Template
4.4. Budget Template