Case studies
Every public-private dialogue is different. But many face similar problems. This page presents a collection of case studies about PPD, with the aim of enabling practitioners to learn from others' experiences.
Some of these case studies were written for the workshops held in 2006 and 2009. Others have been selected from other sources. Please let us know about other case studies that we should consider for inclusion on this page.
Participation, Consultation and Economic Reform in Africa: Economic Fora and the EG-DG Nexus (pdf, 478kb)
Center for Democracy and Governance, Bureau for Global Programs, Field Support, and Research, USAID, Oct 2001
Looks at specific experiences of dialogue in Uganda, Ghana, South Africa and Zimbabwe to explore the relationships between dialogue, economic growth and democratization. Especially interesting on the connections and potential tension between growth and democratization and the role of donors in addressing that tension.
La participation des cotonculteurs d'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre aux négociations commerciales internationales (pdf, 75.5kb)
Eric Hazard, Head of Policy Dialogue at ENDA Tiers-Monde, Senegal, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 1.83mb)
Farmers dialogue - NEPAD process experience (pdf, 70.5kb)
Philip M. Kiriro, Vice-Patron KENFAP, President EAFF, Vice-President IFAP, Feb 2006
Social Dialogue and EMU in the Candidate Countries: Estonia, Hungary, Malta, Poland and Slovenia (pdf, 555kb)
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2003
Describes a project to use tripartite dialogue – government, trades unions, business – in five EU candidate countries to help them prepare for meeting the Maastricht criteria for joining the Euro. Split into five individual country reports which contain useful discussions of the state of public-private dialogue in each country.
Social Dialogue in Central and Eastern European Countries: Trends, Issues and Challenges
Giuseppe Casale, International Labour Office, 1999
Comprehensive analysis of the changing state of public-private dialogue in sixteen countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Looks at some of the challenges faced by transition economies, especially in industrial relations and enterprise development, and usefully explores the scope of social dialogue to manage change.
Social Dialogue in European Union Candidate Countries
European Trade Union Confederation
Takes stock of social dialogue in the ten Central and Eastern European EU candidate countries plus Turkey, Cyprus and Malta. Especially good at outlining the legal, institutional and political basis of employer and trade union organizations, and assessing how effective interaction between them is in preparing for EU membership.
Public-Private Sector Partnerships (pdf, 108kb)
Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, July 2002
Discussion paper for a meeting of economic ministers of Pacific Islands Forum countries on the subject of public-private dialogue. Contains a good exploration of general lessons about dialogue – its aims and scope and best practice in implementation – together with discussions of experiences both in the Pacific region and beyond.
Government-Business Relations in the Construction of Mercosur (free registration required)
Gian Luca Gardini, 1999
Study of interaction between government and business in Argentina and Brazil during the construction of the Mercosur trading area.
SPI Albania - An initiative for Albania Financial Sector Modernization (ppt, 392kb)
Report about the Special Project Initiative of Albania (doc, 714kb)
Ramona Bratu, World Bank's Convergence Program, SPI Regional Operations Director, April 2009
Public-Private Collaboration on Productive Development Policies in Argentina
Bisang Roberto, Andrea Gonzalez, et al. (March 2014). Public-Private Collaboration on Productive Development Policies in Argentina, Inter-American Development Bank, IDB Working Paper Series; 478
This study discusses four cases of public- Private collaboration (PPC) in the design and implementation of productive development policies (PDP) in Argentina. We find that PPCs have contributed to the success of most of the studied PDPs by facilitating information sharing and creating coordination devices that have improved the diffusion, transparency, and resilience of the policies and a more effective use of public funds. We also identify conditions that seem to be critical for a successful PPC. These conditions include the previous acquaintance and existence of trust relationships among the agents involved in the PPC, the alignment of their objectives and interests, and the emergence of clear leaderships in the private and/or in the public sectors. The stability of the PPCs, in turn, depends on the availability of public funding and the creation of formal governance mechanisms, while it is threatened by large disparities in the size, interests, and capabilities among the different private sector agents involved in the collaboration.
Presentation about the Business Support Council of Armenia (ppt, 34kb)
Report about the Business Support Council of Armenia (doc, 41kb)
EBRD's Business Support Office, Armenia, April 2009
Public-Private Partnerhsip for Economic Development: Bangladesh Perspective (ppt, 1760kb)
Samir Asaf, Member of Bangladesh Better Business Forum, April 2009
Integrating PPDs into the Political Process - Lessons from Bangladesh (ppt, 1926kb)
Laura Watson, Operations Adviser, IFC BICF and Shihab Ansari Azhar, Stakeholder Engagement Analyst, IFC BICF, April 2009
The Bangladesh Private Sector Forum (pdf, 74.1kb)
Craig Wilson, Program Manager, Investment Climate Assessments, SouthAsia Enterprise Development Facility - International Finance Corporation, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 1.1mb)
The Bangladesh Private Sector Development Support Project: A Case Study in Public-Private Dialogue (pdf, 143kb)
Farooq Sobhan, President, and Shihab Ansari Azhar, Senior Research Associate, Bangladesh Enterprise Institute, Feb 2006
Looks at how the public-private dialogue mechanism used in the design of the PSDSP was established, its benefits and constraints, and how dialogue can be strengthened and enhanced in the future.
A short description of Reforma.BEL.BIZ - the Internet module created by Belarusian SME Toolkit for Public Private Dialogue, 2007 (doc, 53kb)
Investment Climate Reform: Going The Last Mile, The Bulldozer Initiative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (pdf, 4.88mb)
Benjamin Herzberg, 2004
Comprehensive exploration of the establishment of the acclaimed Bulldozer project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Especially valuable in describing how innovative outreach and media management techniques were used to build bottom-up support for economic reform, change social attitudes and enthuse small and medium entrepreneurs.
Monitoring and evaluation during the Bulldozer Initiative in Bosnia
(pdf, 497kb).
Benjamin Herzberg, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 3.15mb)
Structured Public-Private Sector Dialogue: The Experience from Botswana
Dr. Anthony Land, ECDPM Discussion Paper 37, 2002
Based in part on illuminating interviews with participants, provides a helpful general synopsis of public-private dialogue in Botswana, describes how the current structures for dialogue evolved and how they function, and contains a useful discussion of their respective strengths and weaknesses and lessons that can be learned.
The Practice of Public Policy Dialogue in Botswana, 1988-2007
Elias M. Dewah, Center for International Private Enterprise, Reform Case Study, 2007
This study explores Botswana?s experience with public-private dialogue and identifies key tips and principles that have facilitated democratic dialogue in Botswana. It is of particular interest since the Botswana Confederation of Commerce, Industry, and Manpower (BOCCIM) is one of Africa?s most successful national business federations. BOCCIM?s success stems in large part from its commitment to constructive dialogue with the government.
Effectiveness of Public-Private Dialogue in Bulgaria (doc, 92.0kb)
Petya Mandova, 2001
Discusses the role that public-private dialogue has played in changes in the Bulgarian business environment
since the mid-1990s. Explores both formal and informal consultative mechanisms. Especially useful for the
negative lessons that can be learned from instances of dialogue that have not been found effective.
The Government-Private Sector Forum: A Success Story of the Royal Government of Cambodia (ppt, 509kb)
Sok Chenda, Minister attached to the Prime Minister, Prime Minister's Office, Secretary General of the Council for the Development of Cambodia, Secretary General of the G-PSF, April 2009
The G-PSF and the Exit Strategy (doc, 443kb)
Lili Sisombat, Project manager, G-PSF, IFC, April 2009
The Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia and the G-PSF (ppt, 3821kb)
Van Sou Ieng, Chairman of the Cambodia Garment Manufacturers Association, Chairman of the Cambodia Federation of Employers and Business Associations
Co-Chair of G-PSF Working Group on Export Processing and Trade Facilitation, April 2009
Cambodian Government - Private Sector Forum (G-PSF) (pdf, 68.1kb)
James Phillip Brew, Project Manager, IFC, Feb 2006
Impact Asssement of the PPD in Cambodia (pdf, 330kb)
Presentation about the Cameroon Business Forum (ppt, 1179kb)
Report about the Cameroon Business Forum (doc, 105kb)
Moise Endene Ekedi, Permanent Secretary of CBF, April 2009
Public-Private Collaboration on Productive Development Policies in Chile
Andres Zahler, Claudio Bravo, et al. (March 2014). Public-Private Collaboration on Productive Development Policies in Chile, Inter-American Development Bank, Competitiveness and Innovation Division, IDB Working Paper Series; 502
This Working Paper provides an in-depth analysis of public-private collaboration (PPC) in Chilean productive development policies (PDPs) through five case studies under two specific polices: the Technology Consortia Program and the National Cluster Policy. The analysis is based on a set of more than 30 semi--structured, in--depth interviews, and is complemented by official written information on the workings of each of the instruments and particular cases. The most significant conclusion that emerges is the importance of having institutions that allow the government to learn from the implementation of new policies in order to improve them over time.
Public-Private Collaboration on Productive Development Policies in Colombia
Marcela Eslava, Marcela Melendez, and Guillermo Perry. (February 2014). Public-Private Collaboration on Productive Development Policies in Colombia, Inter-American Development Bank, Competitiveness and Innovation Division, IDB Working Paper Series; 479
This Working Paper analyzes the institutions that shape public--private collaboration for the design and implementation of productive development policies in Colombia. These policies are increasingly designed in the context of formal institutions and venues, with public--private collaboration being a pillar of that formal design. This paper focuses on two specific case studies: the Private Council for Competitiveness and its role in the National Competitiveness System and the Productive Transformation Program. Both suggest that public--private collaboration has contributed to the continuity of productive development policies across the country. Public--private collaboration has also played a significant part in achievements such as overcoming specific government failures and developing private organizational capabilities. Thus, a central message of this paper is that formal institutions have an important potential to advance adequate productive development policies.
Public-Private Collaboration on Productive Development Policies in Costa Rica
Jorge Cornick, Jorge Jimenez, and Marcela Rom�n (February 2014). Public-Private Collaboration on Productive Development Policies in Costa Rica, Inter-American Development Bank, Competitiveness and Innovation Division, IDB Working Paper Series; 480
Public-private collaboration in productive development policy in Costa Rica frequently takes the form of policy co--governance: an autonomous institution in charge of policy for a particular economic sector is created, with a board of directors comprising representatives from both the public and the private sectors, often with the public sector in a minority position. This paper analyzes five cases of co--governance: tourism, fisheries, rice, coffee, and the attraction of foreign direct investment (FDI). When co--governance has been used in conjunction with market discipline and as a means to discover and remove obstacles to higher productivity, as in tourism and FDI attraction, PDPs have been quite successful. When, on the contrary, it has been used to shield producers from market discipline or to allow unsustainable use of natural resources, as in rice and fisheries, they have turned into failures. Coffee stands in between, with considerable social achievements but only modest competitiveness achievements.
Local/National Level Economic Policy Dialogue: the Competitiveness Council and Economic and Social Councils in Croatia (pdf, 77.4kb)
Joe Lowther, Senior Manager, Emerging Markets Group; Kresimir Sever, President, NHS Trade Union Confederation, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 276.0kb)
The Dominican Republic Competitiveness National Council (pdf, 76.6kb)
Andres van der Horts, Executive Director, Competitiveness National Council, Feb 2006
Presentation about Ethiopia PPD Structure (ppt, 188kb)
James Brew, IFC Consultant, April 2009
The Fiji Regulatory Reform Task Force (pdf, 83.8kb)
Isireli Koyamaibole, CEO, Ministry of Commerce, Business Development and Investment; and Ken Roberts, CEO, Fiji Employers Association, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 50.0kb)
The Jamaica Cluster Competitiveness Project (JCCP) (pdf, 80.3kb)
Kenneth Hynes, Director, and Country Coordinator for OTF Group Jamaica; and Beverley Morgan, Director, Jamaica Exporters' Association, 2006
Presentation (ppt, 61.5kb)
Investment Council under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic (ppt, 170kb)
Kanykey Brimkulova, Assistant to the Head of Secretariat of the Investment Council under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, April 2009
Presentation about Lao PDR's Provincial Public-Private Dialogue (PPPD) (ppt, 443kb)
Report about Lao PDR's PPPD (doc, 598kb)
Daniel Taras, GTZ, April 2009
Lao Business Forum: Improving the business environment through constructive dialogue (pdf, 72.8kb)
Pascale Rouzies, Lao Business Forum Coordinator, IFC-MPDF; and Trang Nguyen, Manager, Business Enabling Environment Program, IFC-MPDF, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 2.54mb)
Impact Asssement of the PPD in Lao PDR (pdf, 330kb)
Presentation about the Liberia Better Business Forum (ppt, 10 250kb)
April 2009 Brochure of the Liberia Better Business Forum (pdf, 2089kb)
Wilama Bako Freeman, Head of Secretariat, April 2009
The Malawi National Action Group (NAG) (pdf, 76.9kb)
Jason Agar, Managing Director, NAG Secretariat, and Chancellor L. Kaferapanjira, Chief Executive, Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MCCCI), Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 63.5kb)
Communication sur le Dialogue entre le Secreteur Public et le Secteur Prive: Cas du Mali (pdf, 70.1kb)
Paul Derreumaux, Djibril Tabouré, Mohamed Traoré, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 78.0kb)
Dialogue, Partnerships and the evolution of Clustering efforts in Chihuahua, Mexico (pdf, 75.2kb)
Alonso R. Ramos Vaca, Senior Advisor, Chihuahua Nuevo Milenio Project, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 1.53mb)
Is it possible to institutionalize a public-private dialogue mechanism to reform economic regulation and policy in Mexico by the end of the current administration? (pdf, 101kb)
Miguel Flores Bernés, Coordinator General for Regulatory Impact Assessment, COFEMER, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 4.16mb)
Public-Private Dialogue in the State of Aguascalientes, Mexico (pdf, 82kb)
Armando Jimenez, Secretary of Economic Development, State of Aguascalientes, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 321.0kb)
ENABLE - Enhancing Nigerian Advocacy for a Better Business Environment - Making Business membership Organization Work for the Poor (pdf, 2.3MB)
DFID, Adam Smith International and the Springfield Centre, January 2013
A Case Study of the Nigerian Economic Summit (pdf, 78.5kb)
Mansur Ahmed, Director General and Chief Executive of the Nigerian Economic Summit Group, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 637.0kb)
Public-Private Dialogue in Nigeria : Myth or Reality (doc, 80kb)
Dr. Murtala S. Sagagi, Department of Business Administration,Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria, December 2007
Encouraging Effective Dialogue and Advocay in Nigeria : The Better Business Initative (doc, 200kb)
Mary I. Agboli and James J. Emery, IFC, Private for Enterprise Partnership in Africa, December 2005
Pakistan Small and Medium Enterprise Development Association (SMEDA) (pdf, 75.4kb)
Andleeb Abbas, SMEDA, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 769kb)
Utilizing Public-Private Dialogue to Create a Market for Reform
(pdf, 84.7kb)
Beatriz Boza, Executive Director, Ciudadanos al Día (CAD); and Luke Haggarty, Program Manager, Business Enabling Environment Program, LAC Technical Assistance Facility, IFC, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 2.22mb)
A Case Study of the Philippines Task Force on the WTO Agreement on Agriculture Renegotations (TF-WAAR) (pdf, 70.6kb)
Raul Q. Montemayor, National Manager, Federation of Free Farmers (FFF Philippines), Feb 2006
Managing the Politics of Reform - Overhauling the Legal Infrastructure of Public Procurement in the Philippines (pdf, 3.18MB)
J. Edgardo Campos and Jose Luis Syquia, World Bank Working Papers 34044, Feb 2006
Looks at the sequence of events in buidling a public-private dialogue initiative that ultimately led to the passage of legislation that markedly altered the rules that govern public procurement in the Philippines. The study attempts to distill operationally useful lessons for managing the politics of a reform process.
Achieving Reforms in Oligarchical Democracies: The Role of Leadership and Coalitions in the Philippines
Sidel, John T. (2014). Achieving Reforms in Oligarchical Democracies: The Role of Leadership and Coalitions in the Philippines, Developmental Leadership Program (DLP), U.K.
This paper examines the role of developmental leadership in two major reforms introduced in the Philippines in 2012: the passage into law in December of excise tax reform which significantly raised taxes on cigarettes and alcohol - generally referred to as the Sin Tax Reform - and, in July, the re-registration of voters in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). These reforms have a) strengthened government finances and healthcare; and b) improved the quality of elections and promoted good governance and conflict resolution in the southern Philippines. These reforms were not achieved exclusively through the executive leadership of Philippine President Benigno Aquino III, this paper argues. A broader form of developmental leadership was critical to their passage into legislation and their subsequent implementation, comprising reform coalitions that incorporated elements of government, the legislature, and civil society. While these coalitions were diverse and flexible in their form and composition, their core strength came from established advocacy groups and experienced activists. These groups and activists used highly labor-intensive, specialized and complex forms of mobilization. The success of these reform coalitions, it is argued, has implications for economic and governance reform in the developing world, particularly in systems characterized by oligarchical democracy, where competition for elected office is closely linked to the entrenched interests of business and industry.
Private-Public Sector Dialogue in the Development and Implementation of Regional Projects: Tomsk Oblast, the Russian Federation (pdf, 73.4kb)
Babushkin Evgeny, Head of the Department of Investment and Economic and Legal Expertise, Administration of Tomsk Oblast, Feb 2006
The Rwandan Revenue Authority Project (pdf, 74.6kb)
Eugene Torero, Commissioner for Large Taxpayers, Rwanda Revenue Authority; Max Everest-Phillips, Senior Governance Adviser, DFID; and Richard Stern, African Regional Program Coordinator, FIAS, Feb 2006
Carnets du Dialogue des Parties Prenantes Oriente PME au Senegal (pdf, 4.73mb)
Programme senegalo-allemand d'Appui a la Competitivite et a la Croissance des PME et a la Performance du secteur de la Micro Finance, GIZ PACC-PME/PMF, December 2013
Psi (Private Sector Initiative) in Southern Africa (pdf, 77.3kb)
Corin Mitchell, Director of Operations, SBP South Africa, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 3.72mb)
The Role of Donors in PPD and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Regional Business Climate Survey (pdf, 148kb)
Thomas Bedenbecker, Advisory Service of Private Business - Southern Africa (ASPB, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 472.0kb)
Promoting Public-Private Dialogue for Self-Motivated Reforms in the Municipality of Moshi, Tanzania (pdf, 78.5kb)
Felician John Ifunya, CEO, AMFE Microserve, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 35.0kb)
The Consultative Council as an instrument facilitating political dialogue between the state and the private sector (ppt, 106kb)
Sherali Zardov, Head of Secretariat of the Consultative Council, April 2009
Report about the Better Business Initiative in Timor- Leste (doc, 251kb)
Milissa Day, PPD Facilitator, IFC and Bernardo Dos Reis, Operations Analyst, IFC, April 2009
Public-Private Partnerships in Development: Three Applications in Timor Leste (pdf, 293kb)
Jos� Braz, OECD Development Centre, Nov 2003
Improvement of investment environment and impact on FDI (ppt, 2701kb)
Report about Coordination Council for the Improvement of Investment Environment (YOIKK) (doc, 105kb)
Mehmet D�ndar, Department Head, Undersecretariat of Treasury, April 2009
Economic and Social Regeneration in the Ukrainian Donbass (pdf, 69kb)
Peter Fortune, Private Sector Development Adviser, DFID Ukraine, Feb 2006
How do PPDs relate to Clusters and Competitiveness ? (ppt, 967kb)
Margaret Kigozi, Executive Director of UIA, April 2009
Public-Private Sector Dialogue in Uganda's Reform Process (pdf, 225kb)
World bank Private Sector and Infrastructure Findings #253, August 2005
Explores how public-private sector consultation has been a major factor driving Uganda's reform process, from the launch of Uganda National Forum in 1992 to the Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU).
Towards a Formal Consultative Mechanism for Trade Policy in Uganda (pdf, 24kb)
Nimrod Waniala, Nov 2000
Looks at the challenges in institutionalizing the consultative process in order to enhance trade policy co-ordination and ownership.
Public-Private Collaboration on Productive Development Policies in Uruguay
Lucia Pittaluga, Andres Rius, Carlos Bianchi, and Macarena Gonzalez. (March 2014). Public-Private Collaboration on Productive Development in Uruguay, Inter-American Development Bank, Competitiveness and Innovation Division, IDB Working Paper Series; 501
The public-private collaboration (PPC) for productive development policies (PDPs) implemented in Uruguay in recent years have provided fertile ground for research. Many have achieved results that can be analyzed within the scope of their respective histories and institutional settings. The study inquires about what PPCs maximize the benefits of PDP results and minimizes rent--seeking behavior or the capture of government. In other words, it wants to disentangle how did the PPCs selected balanced these two apparently conflicting goals. The results show that some PPCs managed these matters better than others did. A history of private--public collaboration at the sectoral level was a key factor in understanding the different results. The imposition of foreign regulations to export--intensive sectors is another factor that reduces the imbalance. Additionally, the PPCs' degree of sophistication and the lower risk of one--sidedness depend on the capacities of public and private actors. Finally, the study found that the PPC design that most likely has better results has to be consistent with the kind of good, that is, the public, club, or private good, the PDP is providing.
Presentation about the Doing Business Reform Task Force (ppt, 283kb)
Report about the Doing Business Reform Task Force (doc, 179kb)
Marokon Alillee, Director General, Department of Trade and Commerce and Investment, April 2009
Public-Private Dialogue - An effective instrument to forster private sector development (pdf, 455kb)
Binh LeDuy & Doris Becker, GTZ, Hanoi, April 2009
Presentation about the Vietnam Business forum (ppt, 831kb)
Report about the VBF (doc, 88kb)
Pham Lien Anh, VBF Secretariat, IFC, April 2009
Presentation about the Sub-National PPD Initiatives sponsored by GTZ (ppt, 86kb)
Report about the the Sub-National PPD Initiatives sponsored by GTZ (doc, 97kb)
Binh LeDuy, Advisor, SME Development Program, GTZ, April 2009
Public Private Dialogue in the making of the Unified Enterprise Law and the Common Investment Law in Vietnam (pdf, 75.3kb)
Thomas Finkel, GTZ Vietnam, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 304.0kb)
Launching the Vietnam Private Sector Forum, 1997-2000 (pdf, 110kb)
Wolfgang Bertelsmeier, IFC Country Manager for Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, 1997-2000, Feb 2006
Presentation (ppt, 161.0kb)
Impact Asssement of the PPD in Vietnam (pdf, 330kb)
State Business Relations and firm performance in Zambia (pdf, 753kb)
Mahvash Qureshi and Dirk Willem te Veldeb, IPPG Programme Office, University of Manchester, Mar 2007