Online partnerships: Selected dialogue websites
A selection of links to the websites of public-private dialogue mechanisms and to private sector representative organizations which promote PPD. Please contact us to recommend other partnerships to add to the page.
Business Support Office in Armenia
Business Support Office (the BSO) promotes a structured partnership and constructive policy dialogue between the state and the private sector in Armenia. It raises key issues that affect the business environment, provides technical assistance to the government in the process of developing strategies/reforms to address identified impediments, and, in parallel, facilitates prior consultations with the business community and transmits feedback on proposed reforms to the public authorities. The BSO is an integral and valuable catalyst between the government and business community promoting effective policy dialogue aimed at improving the country’s business environment and investment climate.
Serbia’s National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED)
NALED is an association of businesses, local governments and civil society organizations working together on creating better conditions for living and working in Serbia. Since 2006 when it’s founded, it grew into the largest and most influential public-private association. It brings together around 220 members, with a partner network involving more than 40 state institutions and international organizations. NALED is the key interlocutor to the Government and Parliament in defining the regulatory priorities and legal solutions significant for businesses. It provides an independent assessment of the work of state institutions and report to the public and European Commission on the status of reforms in Serbia.
Economic and Social Council of Bulgaria
The Economic and Social Council (ESC) is the “bridge” between citizens and the national government to facilitate communication. The ESC is a consultative body expressing the will of civil society organizations regarding the economic and social development. The active operation of the ESC has strengthened its position as a standing institutional form of consultations, dialogue and information to the civil society. The Council expresses and protects civil society interests by communicating agreed statements and proposals submitted by its members to the executive and legislative authorities. In this relation, the ESC adopts opinions, resolutions and analyses and organizes public consultations on key economic, social, education, demographic, health or other issues.
National Competitiveness Council of Croatia
The National Competitiveness Council was established in February 2002 at the initiative of the Croatian business sector and the Croatian Employers' Association and on the basis of a decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. The Council is an independent advisory body comprised of 24 members and four key interest groups – the business sector, government, trade unions, and the academic community – with the goal of creating dialogue, partnership and consensus on programs and policies that are critical to the sustainable growth and development of the country.
Sociaal Economische Raad, SER Nethesrlands
The Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands advises the Dutch Government and Parliament on key points of social and economic policy. It also undertakes activities arising from governance tasks and self-regulatory matters, and functions as a platform for discussions of social and economic issues. The Council consists of independent Crown-appointed members, employers, and employees. The SER is financed by industry and is wholly independent from the government. It represents the interests of trade unions and industry, advising the government (upon request or at its own initiative) on all major social and economic issues.
Economic and Social Council of Spain
The Spanish Economic and Social Council (ESC), provided for in Spain's 1978 Constitution (art. 131.2) and established in 1991, is a forum for understanding between the social and economic partners. The Spanish Economic and Social Council, made up of employees' organizations, trade unions and other representatives of public interests, is a government advisory body, affecting decision-making in various sectors of Spanish society. With this objective, the Council issues mandatory opinions on draft bills for laws, draft legislative royal decrees regulating socioeconomic and labor policy, and draft royal decrees considered by the government to be of particular significance in this field.
Turkey's Coordination Council for the Improvement of the Investment Environment (YOiKK)
The YOiKK has become a key structure where private sector makes contributions in the process of improving investment climate in Turkey. The Council conducts its agenda with the help of 12 Technical Committees working on specific issues with participation of both public and private institutions.
Cambodia's Government-Private Sector Forum
By fostering capacity and a strong relationship between the government and private sector, the G-PSF is considered a key pillar in improving the investment climate in Cambodia.
Vietnam Business Forum
The Forum is a policy dialogue among the government, donors and the private sector, which aims to assist Vietnamese institutions in developing a successful private business environment. Established in 1998, it has evolved into a model for the region.
Convergence Romania Financial Sector Modernization
The Romania financial sector modernization program promotes regulatory and market solutions to expand the supply of financial products, reduce their costs and improve consumer protection, in line with EU directions.
Philippines Development Forum
Composed of seven working groups, the PDF is the primary mechanism of the government for facilitating policy dialogue, developing consensus and generating commitments among stakeholders on the country?s development and reform agenda.
National Economic Development and Labour Council (South Africa)
Established in 1994, NEDLAC brings government together with organised business, organised labour and organised community groupings on a national level to discuss and try to reach consensus on issues of social and economic policy.
Small & Medium Enterprise Development Authority (Pakistan)
SMEDA was established in October 1998 to take on the challenge of developing small & medium enterprises (SMEs) in Pakistan. It acts as one-stop shop for business development services to SMEs, and advises the government of Pakistan on SME issues.
Nigerian Economic Summit
Since the first Summit was organised in 1993, the NES Group has become a more formalized private sector structure and forms the basis for a dialogue with the public sector centred around an annual Summit.
Malta Council for Social and Economic Development
Established in 2001, MCESD is a consultative and advisory body on issues relating to the economic and social development. It enables dialogue between representatives from government, business, labour unions and civil society organisations.
Tajikistan Consultative Council on Improvement of Investment Climate
The Consultative Council on Improvement of Investment Climate is chaired by the President of Republic of Tajikistan and is a consultative and advisory body ensuring preparation and elaboration of investment climate reforms. It is composed of private sector, state and international institutions representatives.
Bulldozer Initiative (Bosnia )
Initially a multi-donor project using innovative methodology to tackle investment climate problems in post-conflict Bosnian society by reaching out to grassroots entrepreneurs, the Bulldozer is now locally rooted and into its third phase.
The Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (ECCSA)
The Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (ECCSA) has been working with the Government of Ethiopia specifically with the Ministry of Trade and Industry to come up with a viable Dialogue forum that would address the concerns of the business community and the government over the issues that are bottlenecks to the development of business and investment in the country. As a
result, a joint task force has been working on the institutional arrangement of the forum.
The Business Council of Mongolia
The BCM's mission is to advocate increased trade and investment in Mongolia, to serve as a forum for dialogue with the Government of Mongolia, the public and members on the important business climate issues, to work for reform of laws, policies and practices that inhibit economic growth, to publicly represent the views of investors in Mongolia's economy who share our values.
Le conseil des investisseurs privés du Benin
Cercle de réflexions, d'échanges, d'analyses et de propositions, le Conseil des Investisseurs Privés au Bénin joue un rôle clé vis-à-vis des instances nationales de décision en tant que conseiller, éclaireur, voire réformateur sur les plans économique, social et fiscal.
Foreign Investors Council in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The mision of the FIC is to promote pro-business initiatives and deliver practical support to all investors to improve the business environment in the country.
Foreign Investors Council in Kazakhstan
The FIC is an advisory body established to promote direct dialogue between the Government of Kazakhstan and foreign investors in order to efficiently address key issues related to their investment activities in the country, to improve the investment climate of Kazakhstan for the benefit of foreign investors, local and national companies, the economic development and wealth of the country and its people.
Kyrgyz Investment Council
The Kyrgyz Investment Council is a consultative-deliberative body under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, responsible for developing and preparing recommendations and suggestions to Government concerning problems of improving the business environment and investment situation in the Kyrgyz Republic.